A month goes by

So I definitely haven’t gotten the hang of this regular blog post writing thing – it’s so easy for me to put it off for one more day and then over a month slips by. Still, it’s never too late to start again.

Crocuses encountered on my lunch break last week

Speaking of new beginnings, spring is here! The trees are flowering and it’s nearly warm enough to keep the apartment windows open.

Thankfully, I have been much more productive with crafting than I have been with writing, so I have some finished projects to show off.

First, the little bouquet of violets I was stitching is now a completed scissors keep.

I thought scissor keeps were meant to make scissors easier to find, but I spent a good 20 minutes digging around in boxes and project bags last night trying to find it! Turns out I had stashed it away with a needlepoint project, who knew…

Also, just in time for it to be entirely too warm to wear, the colorwork yoke sweater is also complete.

Thank goodness for the magic of blocking. The stitches lie flat and the sweater went from being a bit snug to fitting perfectly after a soak in some Eucalan.

Plus, the best part about this sweater? It was made from my all-time-favorite yarn, Shepherd’s Wool by Stonehedge Fiber Mill, and it was made entirely from yarn already in my stash.

Bring on spring.